Owl necklace

Okay now this owl necklace is trending around Malaysia. Or at least Ipoh where I'm staying ._. I read an entry from one blog, it's written that Muslims are prohibited from wearing this necklace because of Freemanson. Well I have one of these. The picture above, it's the same pattern as mine. I'm a bit shocked and a bit scared when I read the entry.

But the first thing went on my mind as I was reading the entry, it's a bird if you want it to be. And it is Freemanson if you want it to be. It all comes from the heart. The most important thing is our nawaitu. Why did we wore the necklace in the first place? Is it because we want to spread Freemanson? For most of us, NO!

Owl is one of God's creations too. Only people who chose it to be Freemanson's symbol. I think it depends on someone' s nawaitu to decide whether the owl necklace to be just an accessory or to worship Freemanson. But we are Muslims, right? We should all be aware that we are prohibited to wear something that resembled living things.

From now onwards, I'm not going to wear it, EVER AGAIN!

aku support term "typical MALAY minded" tu... Kalau nak tegur, tegur baik-baik la, jgn smpi ko nak blame pihak lain pulak, asal ade je isu camni, mesti org lain yg ko salah kan, Zionis la freemason la... Dosa ke tak, tu hanya d antara Allah dgn individu t'sebut, ko sebagai manusia biasa takde kuasa nak judge org tu... Don't judge others, or you will be judge by God.
Well..if u ask me...memang benar,memakai hiasan cukup sifat adalaa haram...kalu nk rahu psl freemason nie,bnyk....even lambang pengakap ader kaitan freemasaon...disney logo pun ada freemason...numbor 999 pun ader unsur freemason n satanism...tpi kalu ikut kan,kalu sume bende dlm hidup nie freemason,even mungkin laptop anda dn sye juga ada kaitan dgn freemason...apa nk buat? TheBentPencil ckp 100% benar...maybe u gettin way paranoid bout this freemason thing...bkan i tk percaya,i percya ajaran nie ada...tpi kene ingat setengah sumber kita dpt ada unsur kemelampauan...in conclusion,kene check dlu...jgn kait bende yg haram dgn ajaran nie or ajaran tu...kalu dh sume dh jdi freemason,kalu pakaian kita pun freemason,jgn terkejut kalu ada artikle mengatakan bju melayu dn baju kurung,kebaya dn bagai adalah freemason..hah,itu nk buat ape?

Apa2 pun i respect u coz u berani berdakwah...teruskan dkwah anda,insyaallah,ada tempat anda menanti di Syurga Allah SWT...Wallahualam...
asalamualaikum ..

sebelum cuti sekolah . saya ada pinjam rantai owl saya .. saya bawak pergi jumpa ustazah saya .. saya tnya dia .. salah / haram ke pakai rantai owl ni .. lepas tu ..
ustazah saya cakap .. kalau nak pakai boleh .. tapi masa kita pakai tu .. kita niat sbg barang perhiasan .. BUKAN UNTUK MEMUJA RANTAI TU .. apa apapun .. yg penting NIAT kita masa pakai rantai owl tu .. sekian .,

I love the above comments